Monday, August 3, 2020

Does Your Workplace Have Something in Common with the WWE?

In the 1980’s, many Texas families gathered around the television set to watch the Von Erich Family battle their villainous foe’s across the wrestling ring.  Preceded by patriarch, Fritz; David, Mike, Chris and Kerry would take on the muscle bound maniac jumping from the ropes in usually ended the night with a come from behind victory.  Of course; the night’s festivities were scripted and if one were to look behind the cameras they would see the adversaries enjoying each other’s company in the locker room.

Today’s workplace tension caused by current events is much worse than Saturday Night Wrestling.  Current events, such as political concerns, racial issues, protests and pay inequality, can cause tension and prompt employees to lose focus, get discouraged, act out, or insult or bully co-workers.

When you add a 24-hour news cycle that constantly stirs everyone up and we see public figures from politicians, celebrities to sports stars duke it out daily; there is a recipe for a very distracted and unproductive workforce.  However, there are a few things that an employer can do to keep the collective focus on work and not allow the outside world to cause problems in your place of business.

It is very important to be proactive which can prevent many issues.  If potential problems can be prevented before they begin, you will be ahead of the game.  To do this; you must set a good example.  Avoid discussions of politics and religion.  Model the behavior you want your employees to have.  Avoid discussions and comments, including jokes about controversial current topics.  This helps keep people on task and can avoid possible claims of harassment, discrimination or bullying.

If employees try to engage you in a controversial topic, remind them calmly that such a discussion doesn’t belong in the workplace. Use a light touch, but be clear. Maybe you could say, “There are some valid points on each side, but that’s really not something that we should be focusing on here at work.”

At a regularly scheduled group meeting, take the opportunity to remind employees that the company’s core values include mutual respect.  Basically, remind everyone of the rules.  Discrimination, harassment or retaliation against any protected class, including national origin and religion, are not tolerated.  Political discussions belong outside the workplace.  If anyone is feeling overwhelmed or stressed over current events, remind them of your open-door policy or other process for employees to report concerns.  Suggest to your employees that they respond firmly but calmly if another employee tries to engage them in a heated discussion. Usually a light statement does the trick, like, “Sorry, but I’ve got too much work to do right now to talk about politics.”

Finally, resolve problems quickly.  If you find there is tension caused by discussion of current events among team members, or an employee is acting in an aggressive, disrespectful or threatening way, you must act swiftly and consistently. If you ignore early rumblings of discord, they may grow into something ugly.  The best first step is to talk individually to the parties involved. This is particularly useful if the problem is a low-key interpersonal issue or in its early stages.

You might start by saying something like, “I know there has been some tension in the office lately about what’s going on in the world. Remember we are here to work and move the business forward. Not everyone shares the same beliefs, and it’s OK to disagree. However, heated exchanges alter our productivity, so it’s best to keep talk about politics to your time outside the office.”

Much like wrestling; the workplace can have many different plots.  Sometimes it is good to have a partner that you can tag in to help you navigate these types of issues.  Questco is there to help you inspire your labor force through a plethora of HR Services such as: Payroll Services, Benefit Plans, Benefits Administration, HR Technology and Workers’ Comp & Safety Services.  Utilizing Questco’s vast experience, your company can thrive in today’s environment.

Charlie Reeves, Senior Business Development Manager, has decades of experience in Human Resource Solutions.  He is one of the most senior members at Questco and recognized for helping clients of all sizes save money, improve labor efficiency and provide the strongest support for HR Services.  As an entrepreneurs himself, he has lived the long days and sleepless nights on the road to success.  He brings the skill and scale to support you in the pursuit of your goals.  For more information on payroll services, benefit plans, benefits administration, HR technology, workers’ comp and safety services email or contact him directly at 936.521.5841.

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