Monday, July 6, 2020

Hiring New Employees during the COVID Pandemic

Without question, your business has changed over the last four months.  As a matter of fact, if your company is hiring, the process might look a bit different than what you are used to.  In the past, many companies would easily schedule a day of in-person interviews, but now the conversations have shifted to video chat.  Also, adapting to successful recruiting practices to keep your candidate pipeline full will be vital as businesses are opening back up.
Unfortunately, only 16% of HR professionals report feeling prepared to go fully virtual with hiring practices.  Many potential candidates don’t even know that a business might be hiring.  Even though recruiting new employees remotely will be challenging, companies must have developed plans, prioritize remote working skills and look at passive recruitment strategies.

1.       Let people know you are hiring.  Many qualified candidates who were looking for jobs before the pandemic hit may assume that most companies are not hiring during the crisis, so you must make it well known that your company is actively seeking new employees.

2.       Have a detailed employee recruitment procedure.  If you are hiring during the coronavirus pandemic, you need a detailed and well-thought-out procedure or recruitment plan in place before you begin the process. Hiring completely remotely will be a very different experience from hiring in person, and it is your responsibility to the company and to potential employees to make sure you have a process that will work.

3.       Be realistic in your offer.  It is a very uncertain time for businesses and employees alike, so when you are hiring, be sure that your company can support a new employee with no reservations or modifications.

4.       Prioritize remote working skills.  Because many Americans are working remotely indefinitely, it is in your company's best interest to place a special focus on skills for remote work when you are hiring. Effective communication, organization, conscientiousness and self-direction are all useful skills in remote work.

5.       Utilize your existing candidate pool.  Many companies have pools of candidates who have previously submitted applications and may be seeking a job during the crisis. If you'd like to avoid an active recruiting campaign, you can shift your focus to this existing pool of candidates and hire from there.

Questco is there to help you rebuild your labor force through a plethora of HR Services such as: Payroll Services, Benefit Plans, Benefits Administration, HR Technology and Workers’ Comp & Safety Services.

Charlie Reeves, Senior Business Development Manager, has decades of experience in Human Resource Solutions.  He is one of the most senior members at Questco and recognized for helping clients of all sizes save money, improve labor efficiency and provide the strongest support for HR Services.  As an entrepreneurs himself, he has lived the long days and sleepless nights on the road to success.  He brings the skill and scale to support you in the pursuit of your goals.  For more information on payroll services, benefit plans, benefits administration, HR technology, workers’ comp and safety services email or contact him directly at 936.521.5841.

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