Monday, June 15, 2020

Keeping Calm and putting your people first

Like you, your employees have access to the news.  Whether they get their information through social media, watch the 6 o’clock news or hear the latest gossip through casual conversations; your employees are forming their opinions have those opinions have spread throughout the workplace.  Today, the latest topics of discussion are race relations and coronavirus concerns.  Tensions, anxiety are just a few of the emotions your employees have which can limit production and moral within your company.

Central to a strong leadership response is communication and decisive action, both to inform employees of changes in policies and to assuage fear and anxiety. Be prompt, accurate, and honest in your communications. Outline the measures you’re taking and why you’re taking them.  Adopt a multi-pronged approach for communication on your HR team. Use electronic methods but adopt physical communication methods as well.  Always be prompt, accurate and honest in your communications.

Make plans and share them with your team.  Understanding that travel may be limited, face-to-face meetings might not happen and an increase in absenteeism can occur; it is important that you have a plan of action.  Knowing how you are going to respond and spread out the responsibility will be crucial to the survival of your business.  Of course, understanding your business’ legal obligations can be tricky in light of these unprecedented events.  Rely on internal HR experts or seek legal advice to answer important questions.  Also consider remote work.  Sometimes a company-wide work from home arrangement is perhaps the best answer to stalling the spread of a virus and even curtailing the strong opinions on race relations.  Safety of your employees is key.

Like in industries that rely on the presence of physical workers such as healthcare, hospitality, retail, and manufacturing, WFM isn’t always possible. In these cases the HR department and business owners have to answer difficult questions about how to protect workers, customers, and the workplace. This may mean operating with a reduced staff level — or even closing during peak absenteeism.  However, sales and marketing roles still rely heavily on face-to-face contact and relationship building. Provide emotional and logistical support for the cultural changes this adjustment will entail.

Remember that the outbreak will pass and race relationships will continue to improve. Your employees and customers remember your businesses’ response and develop long lasting impressions of how you reacted during these times. Resilient, prepared, and people-first leadership will carry you through to the other side.

Questco is there to help you rebuild your labor force through a plethora of HR Services such as: Payroll Services, Benefit Plans, Benefits Administration, HR Technology and Workers’ Comp & Safety Services.

Charlie Reeves, Senior Business Development Manager, has decades of experience in Human Resource Solutions.  He is one of the most senior members at Questco and recognized for helping clients of all sizes save money, improve labor efficiency and provide the strongest support for HR Services.  As an entrepreneurs himself, he has lived the long days and sleepless nights on the road to success.  He brings the skill and scale to support you in the pursuit of your goals.  For more information on payroll services, benefit plans, benefits administration, HR technology, workers’ comp and safety services email or contact him directly at 936.521.5841.

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